Camping in Lofoten

Camping in Lofoten gives you the freedom to move freely, sleep in different places and see more places in Lofoten. Sleeping outside in the midnight sun or under the northern lights is a magical experience, because you don’t get any closer to nature.

Here you get an overview of several campsites in Lofoten.

Campsites and places to park motorhomes & camper vans

Do you want to park your camper van in the perfect spot? Pitch a tent on soft ground or rent a small cabin? Lofoten has a lot to offer when it comes to camping.

In Lofoten you will always be close to the mountains, the sea, fresh water and wilderness areas. This is common for most of the campsites, while others also offer camping on old homesteads or on the beach. This makes camping in Lofoten an excellent starting point for accommodation, activities, courses and even conferences.

Some of the campsites welcome tourists in summer and winter, while others vary according to season.

More practical information

Good advice for campers

The right to roam in Norway entitles everyone to explore, experience and enjoy the great outdoors on non-agricultural land, provided they show respect for the landowner, other people, and for flora and fauna.

To ensure that everyone gets the most out of a camping holiday in Lofoten – now and in the future – we would like to offer some advice for your holiday. Together, we can protect Lofoten’s unique nature for generations to come.

Camping etiquette

  • Use dedicated campsites and motorhome pitches whenever possible. It’s always the best choice. Staying on campsites and shopping locally promotes sustainable travel and helps support local communities.
  • Show consideration while wild camping. You can park and stay overnight at stopping places on the side of road or on non-agricultural land. Remember to camp at least 150 metres away from any buildings. Avoid camping on private property or farmland, and do not drive off-road. For the sake of road safety, do not park in passing places on narrow roads. Show consideration for your surroundings. The duty to travel without leaving a trace, damaging the terrain or disturbing wildlife always applies.
  • Take your rubbish with you. Do not leave any waste behind on your travels. Dispose of rubbish in rubbish bins. Empty toilets and wastewater at emptying stations.
  • Respect signage. You must respect any signs that prohibit parking, camping or staying overnight in motorhomes or caravans.
  • Keep at least four metres’ distance from other vehicles etc. For fire safety reasons, park at least four metres away from other vehicles etc.

If everyone behaves considerately, we can all explore, experience and enjoy Lofoten’s and Norway’s great outdoors for generations to come!


Restrictions: What is allowed if you camp in Lofotodden Nasjonalpark?

The common law (referred to in Norwegian as “Allemannsretten”) applies within Lofotodden National Park. Ordinary outdoor activities like berry and mushroom gathering, hunting and fishing, can be practiced outside the park. You can use wood for bonfires, but old/dying trees must be left untouched as these are important habitats for insects, birds, lichen, and fungi. Also, remember that there is a general ban on bonfires from 15 April – 15 September. More about bon fires in general here.

Organized tours and events may require special permission from the administrative authority. The organizer must contact the administration well before the planned trip to get details clarified.

Lofotodden is protected against noise. The use of drones, model aircraft, or the like is prohibited. Motor transport on land, lakes, and in the air below 300 meters from the ground is not allowed.

Leave no trace! Rubbish must not be left in nature, regardless of whether the area is protected or not. Rubbish must be braught with you and thrown into a nearby bin. Toilet waste must be dealth with cleanly (pack it in a plastic bag and bring it with you – out from the nature) so that it is not a nuisance to others. Human waste is not part of natures own eco-system for decomposition. Consider also the use of “Biffy Bags” – learn more here.

Lofoten Code of Conduct