Festvågtinden (541 mos.)

Festvågtinden is one of the most popular summit hikes in Lofoten. Expect a steep hike in rough terrain. When you reach the top, you will be rewarded with an incredible view of Henningsvær and the Vestfjord.

Start point

You can park in the car park (fee applies) beside the buildings at Festvåg, or at Engøya, which is 1 km away in the direction of Henningsvær.


May – December (depending on the snow conditions). The peak season is summer and early autumn.


60-90 min each way

Level of difficulty

Demanding, even though it’s not so long. The path is steep, worn and involves a little clambering.


1.3 km each way


541 m

Festvågtinden is one of the most popular summit hikes in Lofoten. There are two main reasons for this: the summit is directly above the stunning fishing village of Henningsvær and the view from the top is incredible. More than 28,000 people hiked up Festvågtinden in 2021, so this is not the best option if you are mostly looking for peace and quiet. However, if you enjoy meeting people in the mountains, expect to meet new hiking friends both day and night during the summer months. The summit of Festvågtinden is an excellent place to experience the Midnight Sun.

The path up to the summit has not been developed in line with the high number of visitors. This has led to significant wear and tear in nature, with paths being widened and new paths constantly being trodden. We encourage you to stay on the established path. However, that can be challenging at the start as there are large boulders that you have to climb over or walk around.

Route description

The path starts by the ruins of the old reservoir at the innermost part of the bay at Festvåg. Walk up the stairs, over the wall and then head up the valley. You will soon encounter several large boulders. Climb over or walk around these, and then head right. Follow the path on the far right if you wish to walk up via lake Heiavannet (189 m.a.s.l.).

If you want a more direct route up to the summit, follow the path in the middle that leads up through scree.Avoid the path on the far left. It leads to the climbing routes on Festvågveggen and not up to the summit.


When you reach lake Heiavannet, you can walk out to the viewpoint just southwest of the lake to enjoy wonderful views of Henningsvær. Cross the dam and follow the path to the right. If you only want a short walk, you can head back down from here.

If your destination is the summit of Festvågtinden, follow the path up through the scree. Some distance up the mountain, you will meet the previously mentioned “path in the middle” as the various paths meet here.  The path up from here is steep and you will encounter sections of loose gravel, which makes it challenging to walk. A beautiful sight awaits you at the top of this ascent. You will be rewarded with a wonderful view of the Henningsværstraumen strait and down towards the climbing cliff Presten.

Clambering up to the summit

You will then encounter a steep section on your lefthand side. Clamber up the 2-3 metres before enjoying the final stretch up to the top. You will initially pass a broad plateau where Henningsvær’s best known musician, Sondre Justad, has held several concerts. Then, all that remains is the final ascent, including a couple of metres clambering up to the cairn, 541 m above the world’s most beautiful fishing village – Henningsvær.

We can guarantee you that you will also feel the “riv i hjertet” (aching heart) Sondre Justad sings about! (Sondre Justad is a famous Norwegian pop artist, born and raised in Henningsvær) 

Frequently Asked Questions about Festvågtinden:

Some useful resources