A reminder from Ole, 8 years old – please use the garbage bin!
«It should be possible to use all the garbage bins we have here in Lofoten. I do not have time to pick up all the garbage from everybody who is visiting! And I prefer picking blueberries rather than picking garbage»
8 years old Lofoten boy
Welcome to Lofoten
I hope you will enjoy a fantastic holiday in our archipelago. My name is Ole, I am eight years old and I grew up in Lofoten. You are visiting my home. Every summer I look forward to when the tourists arrive in Lofoten and we can experience magical days together at the Ramberg beach. In the summer I always get to know new people, and last year I even learned some Italian! I really appreciate that you visit my village and I very much hope that you will enjoy the Lofoten that I love so much.
«Please promise me that you pick up your garbage»
You find garbage bins most places, but if you do not find one, please promise me that you pick up your own garbage. Garbage does not fit in at the Ramberg beach.
Lofoten is precious! All of us who live here and everybody who visits Lofoten have a common responsibility to take care of the nature around us. So I remind all of you who visit my home this summer to cooperate so we all have a great summer. Use nature as much as you want, go camping if you want, take long walks in the mountains or on the beach, but promise me that you leave no trace. If you can promise that, I will promise to share with you my best travel advice and some very good Lofoten stories.
Welcome to Lofoten and thank you for helping to keep Lofoten clean.
Would you like to know where to find the nearest garbage bin?
Vestvågøy municipality has also made an overview of all sanitation facilities.
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