We focus on the island’s culture, traditions and stories shared by the locals.
We will pass by some of the most picturesque parts of the island and end the trip on the famous tunnel photo exhibition, representing 100 years of Skrova history.
Once the biggest fishing village in Lofoten, Skrova has a long history connected to fishing and whaling, but also a thriving community who has been changing and adapting through times.
Together with history, culture, food and fishing, you will hear stories about ghosts and local crimes! Most of the content of this tour is not found on books or internet! Most stories have been collected and shared directly by locals from Skrova community, by word of mouth.
Extra info:
The tour is delivered in English and last aproximately 1h30.
Private tours are available under request in English, Portuguese and Spanish.
The company reserves the right to cancel in case it doesn’t reach the minimum numbers of guests (4 guests required), due to unfavourable weather conditions, or reasons of force majeure.
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