Frequently asked questions about Lofoten
You find the timetables in the travel planner for Reis Nordland at
In the high season, we recommend you pre-book your ticket for the Moskenes – Bodø and Lødingen – Bognes crossings. 40 % of the capacity can be pre-booked at the Torghatten Nord website. You can also pre-book your ticket if you are a single passenger on the ferry or the express boat.
You can use the local bus to go to most of the places along the E10, but the bus does not go very often to places outside the main road. So plan carefully if you want to return the same day. If you prefer to be more flexible with your timing, a rental car may be the best option.
There are many possibilities for accommodation in Lofoten, but in the high season from June to August, we recommend you to pre-book, especially if you have a particular place in mind.
Here is an overview of our recommended hikes in Lofoten:
You will discover new beautiful places around every corner. If you follow the National Scenic Route through Lofoten, you will not miss the highlights. Read our route suggestions for more inspiration: or our destinations (link til destinasjonsside)
We recommend you change your currency before you arrive in Lofoten, since the banks in Lofoten do not offer this service. Bank cards are the most common means of payment.
You can see the midnight sun on the outer (northern) side of Lofoten or from the top of a mountain. Here are the best ways to experience the midnight sun.
You can see the northern lights from many places in Lofoten if the weather is clear.
Yes, you can use a drone, but there are several rules you have to follow, especially in the national park and at the airports. Read more about the use of drones here:
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